It is important that you carefully read the following general conditions of Use of the Website and Sale of the Products, so that you are correctly informed and accept both the conditions of access and navigation through the HOHNER AUTOMATION S.L. website, such as the terms and conditions that regulate the acquisition of products offered by:

  • Registered office: Dolors Bassa, 3 P.I. Cal Batlle 17400 - Breda
  • NIF: B17066382
  • Commercial Registry of Girona Sheet 5129, Folio 51, Volume 351, Book 262, Section 3
  • Telephone: +34 972 160 017
  • Email:

Hereinafter, “THE PROVIDER”.


Access by the User to hereinafter, “the Portal”, is conditional on prior reading and acceptance of these GENERAL CONDITIONS OF USE, or those in force at the time of access. If the User does not agree with these conditions of use, they will have to refrain from using this Portal and operating on it.

However, access to certain content may be subject to certain particular conditions, which in any case will be shown by the PROVIDER to the User, who, where appropriate, must expressly accept them.

By browsing the PROVIDER Portal you acquire the status of USER. Browsing the Portal implies acceptance as a USER of the conditions of use, without prejudice to the express acceptance by the USER of the General Contracting Conditions, the data protection policy, as well as, where applicable, the Particular Conditions, which may exist in relation to the provision of services.

At any time THE PROVIDER may modify the presentation and configuration of the Website, the information and legal documentation and the services and content provided, all in accordance with the provisions of article 126 and 126 bis of Royal Decree 1/2007 of Nov. 16.

Access and registration in the Portal

In order to purchase products on the Portal, Users must register in advance by completing the forms provided for this purpose, with the required and mandatory data.

It is a requirement to register that you be over 18 years old. The User assumes that his User account is personal and non-transferable.

Every registered User will have a personal and non-transferable access password. The User may modify or recover said password at any time, following the procedure provided on the Portal. This password will remain in the PROVIDER's systems in encrypted form to ensure its conservation and prevent unauthorized access by third parties. The User undertakes to immediately notify the Provider of any fact that allows improper use and/or access to the account. As long as the User does not communicate these facts to the Provider, the Provider will be exempt from any liability that may arise from improper use of the same by unauthorized third parties.


The Provider allows the User to unsubscribe at any time by accessing the section of their account enabled for this purpose, available on the Portal.

In any case, once the cancellation has been made, the User may request a new registration, except in the event that the User does not accept the terms of Use and/or in case of conflict between the User and the PROVIDER that is pending resolution or has ended with recognition of fault and/or negligence for the User.

Conditions applicable to links

All content on this Portal is the property of the PROVIDER, although, in the case of links or hyperlinks ("links") to other web pages managed by third parties, other than the PROVIDER, the PROVIDER cannot guarantee the content or information collected in third party websites accessible through these links, nor the correction of their content; Consequently, THE PROVIDER is exempt from any liability for damages of any kind that may arise from their use. However, if the User has effective knowledge that the activities carried out through these websites are illegal, he must notify the PROVIDER who will proceed to disable the link.

Links on other web pages to the PROVIDER Portal

The PROVIDER allows the information available on the Portal, and which is not subject to prior registration, to be accessible to users, although its commercial exploitation or for advertising purposes is strictly prohibited. Nor is it permitted to reproduce, distribute, transmit, adapt or modify, with any tool or any means, either the contents of this website or its design.

Access to the Portal by minors is prohibited. If a minor accesses the Portal and/or registers therein, THE PROVIDER will presume that said access has been made with the prior and express authorization of his or her parents, or legal representatives, without prejudice to the PROVIDER being able to carry out any checks it considers timely.

THE PROVIDER is not responsible for the veracity of the registration data provided by the User. The User undertakes and is solely responsible for ensuring that the information provided to the PROVIDER is adequate, truthful and accurate.

Conditions of Use of the Portal

Access or use of the Portal for illegal or unauthorized purposes will be the sole responsibility of the User, and among others, the User is prohibited from carrying out the following activities:

  • - Use the Portal to install or publish viruses or harmful programs or files
  • - Use the Portal in a way that may cause damage, interference or malfunctions in the SUPPLIER's computer systems.
  • - Break the security and/or authentication measures of the Portal and/or any network connected to it.
  • - Register with a false identity, impersonating third parties and/or carrying out any activity that may confuse other users about the originating identity of a message.
  • - Use the Portal to collect personal data from other users.
  • - Prevent the proper development of an event, contest, promotion or any other activity that the PROVIDER decides to carry out through the Portal.
  • - Saturate the infrastructure of the Portal or the systems or networks of the PROVIDER, as well as the systems and networks connected to it.
  • - Use the Portal in a way that may violate good faith, the Law, morality or public order.

Any of the actions carried out by the User in this regard will entitle the PROVIDER to exercise the appropriate legal actions to defend their rights and to delete and/or block the user's account, without the user being able to request any compensation for this.

Responsibilities and guarantees of the use of the Portal

The PROVIDER declares that it has adopted all necessary measures that the state of the art and its possibilities allow, to guarantee the proper functioning of the Portal, and reduce system errors and guarantee maximum security to Users, but cannot guarantee damages. and damages caused to the User by any person who violates the conditions that the PROVIDER establishes in its Portal and/or the technical security measures.

The PROVIDER does not guarantee Users the usefulness or performance of the contents of its Portal.

THE PROVIDER also does not guarantee, where appropriate, the legality, reliability, veracity and usefulness of the content provided by third parties to its Portal, guaranteeing it only with respect to the content published on its Portal.

Intellectual and industrial property rights

The PROVIDER is the owner and/or has the corresponding licenses on the exploitation rights of intellectual and industrial property on the design and programming of the Portal, as well as on the content offered therein. In no case will access and/or navigation give the User the right to use such rights other than those strictly necessary to enjoy the provision of the service in accordance with the Conditions of Use.

The contents of the website, as well as the copyright and intellectual property rights thereof, belong to the PROVIDER or its content providers. You as a User may access the website and print a copy of the contents you access during your visit, but any other use of the Portal and its contents that may violate industrial and/or intellectual property rights is prohibited. , and/or that may damage or deteriorate the normal functioning of the same, the goods or rights of the PROVIDER, or its suppliers, or the rest of the USERS or, in general, any third party.

References to trademarks, trade names or other distinctive signs imply a prohibition on their use without the express written consent of the PROVIDER and/or their legitimate owners.

All intellectual and industrial property rights and rights over the contents and/or services of the Portal are reserved, and in particular, it is prohibited to modify, reproduce, publicly communicate, copies, transform or distribute by any means and in any form, all or part of the contents of the Portal for public or commercial purposes, if there is no express authorization from the PROVIDER.

If the User is aware of the existence of any illicit, illegal or contrary to law content or could involve infringement of intellectual and/or industrial property rights, he/she will notify the PROVIDER at the following email address


These General Conditions have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, Law 7/1998 on General Contracting Conditions, Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of 16 of November, which approves the Consolidated Text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, Law 7/1996 on the Regulation of Retail Trade in what may be applicable to services and Law 6/ 2020 regulating certain aspects of electronic trust services.

The PROVIDER informs that the procedures to carry out the acquisition of the products and/or obtain the provision of the services offered are those described in these general conditions, as well as those other specific ones that are indicated on the screen during navigation, so that the User declares to know and accept said procedures as necessary to access the products and services offered on the Portal.

All information provided during the contracting process will be stored by THE PROVIDER, so that the user may, upon request made in writing or by e-mail, request information regarding the operations carried out by him within the previous 6 months. Any modification and/or correction of the data provided by Users during navigation must be made according to the instructions included in the Portal.

2.1.- OBJECT

This contractual document contains the General Conditions whose purpose is to regulate both the making available of the information, as well as the commercial relationships that arise between the PROVIDER, and the third party Users of the Portal ("Clients"), who acquire the products offered. through it, if the contracting of any product is possible, without prior acceptance of these General conditions

These Conditions will remain published on the website available to Clients to reproduce and save as confirmation of the contract, and may be modified at any time by the PROVIDER, without prior notice, by publishing said modifications on the Portal so that they can be known by Clients, always before visiting the Portal or acquiring any goods and/or services offered. It is the responsibility of the Clients to read them periodically, since those that are in force at the time of placing orders will be applicable. In any case, if the modifications negatively affect access to or digital content or its use by the Client, the Client will be informed in a clear and understandable manner, and will have the right to terminate the subscription in accordance with the provisions of article 126.bis of the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007.

All purchases of products purchased through the Portal, prior identification and authentication, through the User name and password provided, will be considered validly made by the CUSTOMER and will be binding.

The acquisition of products through the Portal implies acceptance as a CUSTOMER, without reservations of any kind, of each and every one of these General Conditions, as well as, where applicable, of the Specific Conditions, which may exist in relation to the When purchasing certain products, the CUSTOMER will be solely responsible for the safekeeping and proper use of passwords.

The placing of orders by a minor who falsifies the information and registration will be understood to be carried out under the supervision and authorization of his or her parents or legal representatives.

Acceptance of this document means that the CLIENT:

  • You've read, you understand and you're agree with this text.
  • The language in which the contract has been drawn up and will be concluded is Spanish.
  • It is a person with sufficient capacity to contract.
  • Assume all obligations set forth herein.

These conditions will have an indefinite period of validity, and will remain in force for as long as they are accessible through the Portal, and will be applicable to all contracts made through the Website, without prejudice to the particular conditions that may govern the acquisition of the products.


Information is provided on the identification and contact data of the information society service PROVIDER that operates on the portal, owned by HOHNER AUTOMATION S.L. with registered office at Dolors Bassa, 3 P.I. Cal Batlle 17400 - Breda NIF B17066382, and registered in the Mercantile Registry of Girona Sheet 5129, Folio 51, Volume 351, Book 262, Section 3 and is the owner of the portal (hereinafter, the Portal ) and with a customer service telephone number +34 972 160 017 and email

And on the other hand, the CUSTOMER, registered on the website using a “Customer Name” and “password” that will have been provided by THE PROVIDER, as identifying and enabling elements for access to the different services offered by the Portal, according to It is described in the section of these General Conditions “Contracting Procedure”.


Access and consultation of the catalog of products and/or services published on the Portal: is free of charge, and user registration is not necessary.

Likewise, to be able to start the contracting process for the products and/or services displayed on the Portal.

Either party may terminate or suspend this contractual relationship unilaterally at any time and without any cause other than its will in this regard, in accordance with the provisions of these General Conditions. The CUSTOMER may unilaterally exercise the right of termination through the account cancellation process.

2.3.1. Products offered on the Portal

All products and/or services will be offered through the Portal and the PROVIDER will indicate the brand, model, images, description, technical specifications, availability of the product, full price, discounts, as well as the availability of home delivery or store pickup and may offer other related or recommended products.

In the event that the online Channel or the Point of Sale does not have stock of any of the requested products, THE PROVIDER, through its online Channel or the Point of Sale, will inform the CUSTOMER of said situation, proceeding to refund, without undue delay, the sums paid for said product(s) or exchange it for another product, at the CUSTOMER's choice.

2.3.2. Electronic contracting procedure

Any product from our catalog can be added to the cart. In this, the items, quantity, price and total amount will be observed. Once the basket is saved, taxes, charges and discounts will be calculated according to the payment and shipping information entered.

The baskets do not have any administrative connection, it is only a section where a budget can be simulated without any commitment on both parties.

From the basket you can place an order by following the following steps for its correct formalization:

a) Shopping Cart Validation: the User, once the selection of the products and/or services they wish to contract is completed, must validate their shopping basket, in which the selected products and/or services will be shown, the number of units, their price, the term and shipping costs. Likewise, you must select the delivery method: home delivery or factory delivery.

b) Checking billing information: the User, once validating their shopping cart, must provide the PROVIDER with the billing and shipping information for the products and/or services, and must expressly accept, by checking the corresponding box, these Contract Conditions. If you do not check the acceptance box, the Portal will not allow you to continue with the contracting process.

c) Selection of the payment method: the User, once providing the billing and, where applicable, shipping information, must select the payment method they wish to use. If the User has opted for either of the two cash payment methods (PayPal or Card), he or she will be automatically redirected by the system to the online payment platforms (POS) of the corresponding banking entities. Currently, the PROVIDER validates the following payment methods: Card, PayPal and bank transfer.

d) Acceptance of the Legal Conditions: the customer must press the accept button, in which they will expressly accept these general conditions, before proceeding to pay for the product. You must also accept the Privacy Conditions and the Cookies policy.

e) Select the "Pay Now" box.

f) Order confirmation: the PROVIDER will send the CUSTOMER, within a maximum period of 24 hours from the moment of effective payment for the purchase by the CUSTOMER, an email in which a summary will be provided, with all the characteristics of the purchase and sale carried out, confirming the placement of the order, its status and the approximate shipping and/or delivery date.


2.4.1. Pricing and billing

The prices indicated for each product include any taxes that may be applicable. These prices, unless expressly indicated otherwise, do not include shipping, handling, packaging, shipping insurance or any other additional services and annexes to the good or product purchased.

Before making the purchase you can check all the details of the quote online: items, quantities, price, availability, shipping costs, charges, discounts, taxes and the purchase total.

The prices applicable to each product are those published on the Portal and will be expressed in EURO currency. The CUSTOMER assumes that the economic valuation of some of the products may vary in real time, while the order is not placed. Once the order is placed, prices will be maintained whether products are available or not.

By accepting these general contracting conditions, the CLIENT agrees to receive the invoices derived from the contracting of goods and/or services from the PROVIDER in electronic format. However, if the CLIENT wants the invoice in physical format (on paper), he must send an email to the following address requesting the invoice in physical format, properly identifying himself and indicating the order number of the The invoice is requested in physical format.

2.4.2. Form of payment

Once the products have been decided and saved in the cart, the CUSTOMER agrees to start the purchase and payment process. The PROVIDER is responsible for economic transactions and allows the following ways to pay for an order:

- Bank transfer: The PROVIDER will only process orders made by bank transfer once it has verified the deposit in its favor of the indicated total. The transfer must be made to the following bank account number of the Provider: IBAN: ES42 2100 0221 2402 0010 9071 - BIC (SWIFT): CAIXESBXXXX indicating full name and order number.

To speed up the process, the User can send a copy of the transfer made to the email

The shipping time of the order will be counted from the confirmation of receipt of the transfer.

- Credit card: payment is made through a secure connection and directly to the banking entity in charge of the transaction. THE PROVIDER contacts the REDSYS secure payment server, who will ask the user for all the details of the card with which they are going to pay (Master Card, Visa, Maestro...) and all procedures will be managed directly through the server's website. of payments without either the PROVIDER or any third party being able to have access.

The secure payment server will contact the financial institution that issued the card and request authorization to make the purchase. Next, the process will return to the PROVIDER website.

- PayPal: the CUSTOMER can pay through this supplier bank, one of the most used for online purchases. When, for any reason, it is not possible to charge the price, the sales process will be automatically canceled and the purchase and sale contract will not take effect. The Provider will automatically inform the user of this situation by sending them an email or SMS.

Security measures

The website uses information security techniques generally accepted in the industry, such as SSL, data entered in secure pages, firewalls, access control procedures and cryptographic mechanisms, all with the aim of preventing unauthorized access to the data. To achieve these purposes, the CLIENT accepts that the provider obtains data for the corresponding authentication of access controls.

The PROVIDER undertakes not to allow any transaction that is or is considered illegal by the credit card brands or the acquiring bank, which may or has the potential to damage their goodwill or negatively influence them.

The following activities are prohibited under the card brand programs: the sale or offer of a product or service that does not comply with all laws applicable to the Buyer, Issuing Bank, Merchant or Holder of the card or cards.


The CUSTOMER will choose the place of receipt of the merchandise at the time of placing the order to the PROVIDER, who reserves the right to use all necessary means to deliver the products to the address indicated by the CUSTOMER. Delivery will be made with the UPS operator for international shipments and TIPSA for national shipments.

The territorial scope for order deliveries is mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands. For shipping to the Canary Islands or international orders, contact our customer service by phone +34 972 160 017 or email

The CUSTOMER must provide a delivery address where the shipment can usually be delivered in the morning and afternoon. Name and ID number must be included in the reception signature.

The service can be tracked through the link that will be sent by email to the CUSTOMER once the order is confirmed. Once shipped, shipments can be changed address within the same area of influence of the distribution center and delivery date from the same link.

A first delivery attempt will be made at the indicated address. If the CUSTOMER is absent, the CUSTOMER will be notified by SMS, email or phone call, to arrange a new delivery. If the transport agency fails to deliver in these two attempts, the shipment must be picked up at the carrier's available service center. If after five (5) calendar days from the date of the notice, the client has not contacted the carrier to arrange a new delivery date, the products will be returned to the PROVIDER's warehouses, the client must bear the costs. shipping and return costs, as well as possible associated management costs.

The delivery time for the order will be between 1 to 4 working days (Monday to Friday, excluding holidays), once the order has been confirmed and paid for. For deliveries to the Balearic Islands, the period will be 2 to 7 working days, and for deliveries to the Canary Islands and internationally, the period will be as indicated in the order confirmation.

In the event that the shipment does not arrive in perfect condition and has any visible damage, it may be refused by the CUSTOMER, or it may be accepted, noting the content review reservation on the delivery note. If the damage is not visible, you will have 48 hours to file the relevant claim. Transportation claims after the indicated dates will not be accepted.

The PROVIDER will not assume any responsibility when the delivery of the product or service does not take place, because the data provided by the CUSTOMER is false, inaccurate or incomplete.

The risk of loss or damage will be transferred to the CUSTOMER at the time he receives the order and accepts it without reservation.


Shipping prices include handling and packaging, and will be applied to each order, so it is advisable to include all the products that the USER needs in a single order, to save money on shipping costs.

Prices do not include shipping costs or additional services, although they will be free if the purchase is over €500.

The shipping cost will be added to the price of the product, which will be as follows:


Germany: 20,00€ to 28,00€ (depending on product weight)

Europe 1 (Italy, Portugal (peninsula), Vatican City State, Belgium, France (peninsula), Luxemburg, Monaco, Netherlands, United Kingdom): 17,00€ a 22,00€ (depending on product weight)

Europ 2 (Åland Islands, Andorra, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Austria, Czech Republic, Grecia , Hungary, Ireland, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Rumania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden): 20,00€ a 28,00€ (depending on product weight)


Spain: 9,20€

Spain (Balearic and Canary Islands): 23,00 €

Germany: 20,00€ a 35,00€ (depending on product weight)

Europa 1 (Italy, Portugal (peninsula), Vatican City State, Belgium, France (peninsula), Luxemburg, Monaco, Netherlands, United Kingdom): 20,00€ a 42,00€ (depending on product weight)

Europa 2 (Åland Islands, Andorra, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Austria, Czech Republic, Grecia , Hungary, Ireland, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Rumania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden): 33,00€ a 88,00€ (depending on product weight)

Mediterranean Islands (Cyprus and Malta): 64,00€ a 113,00€ (depending on product weight)

Portugal Islands (Azores and Madeira): 75,00€ a 95,00€ (depending on product weight)

Non-Europa (Åland Islands, Guernsey, Jersey, Liechtenstein, Norway (Oslo, Sandnes), San Marino, Switzerland, Turkey): 32,00€ a 52,00€ (depending on product weight)

International: 40,00 € a 75,00 € (depending on product weight)

Oman & Pakistan: 70,00€ a 105,00€ (depending on product weight)

Åland Islands, Belarus, Bhutan, Bouvet Island, British Indian Ocean Territory, Burma (Myanmar), Central African Republic, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Congo, Cook Islands, Cuba, Djibouti, East Timor, Equatorial Guinea, Falkland Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, French Southern Territories, Georgia, Guayana Francesa, Guinea, Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kiribati, Korea, Dem. Republic of, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Libya, Macau, Man Island, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Micronesia, Mongolia, Nauru, Netherlands Antilles, Niue, Norfolk Island, Nueva Caledonia, Palau, Palestinian Territories, Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, São Tomé and Príncipe, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Sudan, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tokelau, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna, Yemen: Ex-Works Only

Russia: We do not sell to any natural or legal person, entity or agency


According to Law 3/2014 of March 27, which modifies the consolidated text of the General Law for the defense of Consumers and Clients and other complementary laws approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, The CLIENT has 14 calendar days from the delivery of the order from the formalization of the contract in case of provision of services.

The return will include the purchase amount and, if applicable, delivery costs. The return will be made in the same payment method with which the Product was purchased, discounting the return costs that will be borne by the CUSTOMER.

The CUSTOMER must return the products subject to withdrawal without any undue delay and in any case no later than within 14 calendar days from the date on which his decision to withdraw is communicated.

The refund of the amount corresponding to the withdrawal will be made within a period of 14 calendar days from the date on which the decision to withdraw from the contract has been effectively and unequivocally communicated and provided that the goods or products subject to withdrawal have been previously received, in case Otherwise, the disbursement may be withheld until receipt of said goods or until the CUSTOMER certifies the return of the goods.

In cases of breakage or receipt of wrong products, the PROVIDER will pay the CLIENT the amount of the Product, or, if the Client prefers, will replace it with another of the services offered on the Portal, compensating, where appropriate, the difference in price.

To proceed with the return, please send us an email to the email address, indicating the full name, order number, order date, reason for return, pick-up location and time, and telephone number. contact. Once we have received your return request, we will contact you to process the return and refund, by bank transfer or return to a bank card.

The USER can also use this Model withdrawal form:

To the attention of HOHNER AUTOMATION S.L.

I hereby inform you that I withdraw from my contract for the sale of the following goods/provision of the following service *ORDER NUMBER*

Order received on *Date*

Name and two surnames of the *CLIENT*

Complete address of the *CLIENT*


As provided in article 103 section a) of Legislative RD 1/2007 of November 16 for the defense of Consumers and Clients, the following are excluded from the right of withdrawal:

  1. 1. The provision of services, once the service has been completely executed.
  2. 2. The supply of goods or services made in accordance with the Client's specifications or clearly personalized.
  3. 3. The supply of sealed goods that are not suitable for return for health protection reasons
  4. or hygiene and that have been unsealed after delivery.
  5. 4. The supply of sealed sound or video recordings or sealed computer programs that have been unsealed by the Customer after delivery.
  6. 5. The provision of digital content (not provided on a physical medium) when execution has already begun. The Client expressly knows that once the digital download has started, they will lose the right of withdrawal.
  7. 6. Any other good or service covered by art. 103 of RDL 1/2007, of November 16.

The CUSTOMER will be responsible for the decrease in value of the goods resulting from handling them other than that necessary to establish their nature, characteristics or operation. In any case, in order to make use of the right of withdrawal, it is necessary that the Products be returned in their original packaging along with the invoice; in the event that they are returned without said original packaging or with damage, the amount that will be paid to the Customer for the return of the product will be reduced by the corresponding amount. Before returning the Product, the Customer must ensure that it is properly protected and sealed so that it does not suffer any damage during transport.


When the Product or Products purchased present a lack of conformity because they do not correspond to the characteristics offered, present defects that prevent their normal use in accordance with their nature, or do not offer the benefits described for them, the CUSTOMER will have the right to have the property corrected. acquired within a period of three years from the purchase and under the conditions and with the means of proof regulated in the Revised Text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, without prejudice to the powers of the Point of Sale of check the veracity of the defects, their origin and the time of their appearance.

In any case, the CUSTOMER must go or request collection of the product from the Point of Sale within a maximum period of two months from the discovery of the defect, and must report the nature of the problem, the time and conditions of its appearance.

Likewise, the CUSTOMER has the right to clean up the property following the rules of article 118 et seq. of the Revised Text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users. In any case, the regulations established by the applicable legislation regarding guarantees for the sale of consumer goods will apply. If the product is defective, THE PROVIDER will be responsible whenever possible to replace the product, at no expense to the Client. If the product cannot be replaced for reasons of availability, a full refund of the purchase will be made.

- Las devoluciones motivadas por roturas, mercancías defectuosas o errores en la tramitación de su pedido, se realizarán sin coste alguno para el Usuario, reembolsando el Prestador el 100% del coste de la mercancía, así como los costes de envío y retorno de la mercancía, sin demoras indebidas, y en todo caso, a más tardar 14 días naturales partir de la fecha en la que nos informe el USUARIO de su decisión de desistir del contrato

- En las devoluciones sin causa justificada, las condiciones serán las mismas que en el apartado anterior, si bien los gastos de devolución del envío correrán a cargo del CLIENTE, y éstos serán los mismos gastos del envío del pedido inicial se realiza desde la misma dirección.

Partial returns of an order will result in partial price refunds.


Points of sale have Complaint Forms available to the Consumer in the establishment.

Any claim or query that the Client considers appropriate or wishes to make will be answered during telephone service hours from Monday to Friday, working days from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. +34 972 160 017 and will be attended to as soon as possible (it is advisable to put within 48-72 hours), and can also be done by email or postal mail to the following addresses:

Postcard: THE PROVIDER Company, HOHNER AUTOMATION S.L., Dolors Bassa, 3 P.I. Cal Batlle 17400 - Breda



In accordance with Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013, the European Commission provides a free access platform for the resolution of online conflicts between the CUSTOMER and THE PROVIDER, without the need to resort to the courts of law, through the intervention of a third party, called the Dispute Resolution Body, which acts as an intermediary between the two. This body is neutral and will dialogue with both parties to reach an agreement, and may finally suggest and/or impose a solution to the conflict.

Link to the ODR platform:

Likewise, if you are not satisfied with any aspect of the Service that could not be resolved by THE PROVIDER, you can go to the consumer authorities if you wish.


THE PROVIDER will not be responsible for any non-compliance due to unforeseen circumstances or for causes beyond the control of the PROVIDER including, but not limited to cases of force majeure, riots, pandemics, embargoes, acts of civil or military authorities, fires, floods, accidents. , strikes, lockouts or shortages of transportation, facilities, fuel, energy, labor or materials.

THE PROVIDER will not have responsibility for possible non-compliance or interruption of the Service, to the extent that it is delayed or prevented by such causes, and during the entire period of time in question.


The PROVIDER cannot guarantee the technical continuity of the Portal, the absence of failures or service interruptions, nor that the Website will be available or accessible one hundred percent of the time. Nor can it guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful components on the Website or on the server from which it is provided.


If any of these terms and conditions shall be deemed unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, this condition shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining conditions.

THE PROVIDER may, without prior notice, suspend or terminate the CUSTOMER's access to its e-commerce services, in whole or in part, for any valid reason, including, without limitation, when the USER fails to comply or follow any of the obligations set out in this document or any applicable legal provision, license, regulation, directive, code of practice or usage policies.

When THE PROVIDER exercises any of its rights or powers under this Clause, such exercise will not prejudice or affect the exercise of any other right, power or resource that may be available to the USER.


These conditions will be governed or interpreted in accordance with Spanish legislation in that which is not expressly established. The PROVIDER and the CLIENT agree to submit to the courts and tribunals of the USER's domicile any controversy that may arise from the provision of the products or services that are the subject of these Conditions.

Update date 04/05/2024